parseMe 20070429 Update
Here's another update to parseMe (back story), my little GPL'ed PHP-based RSS/Atom feed reader for mobile phones and other web-capable devices.
- Moved to object oriented, pretty much for the "fun" of it.
- Now passing a custom user-agent in the http query to avoid problems with sources that require it (Digg, among others).
- Online demo: See this mobile feed reader in action.
- parseMe-20070429-source.phps: PHP source, with comments (for online viewing).
- parseMe-20070429.tar.gz: 14KB - Full app, tar/gzip archive.
- 16KB - Full app, zip archive.
- SHA1SUM: SHA1 sum for the above files.
- RELEASES: Version history.
- INSTALL: Basic installation instructions to get you going.
- COPYING: Software license, GPL.
- AUTHORS: Credits file.